3D Modelling (BIM)
3D modelling is a highly skilled activity that links designs to the real world environment using 3D visualisation.
The key to success is the ability to coordinate the 3D space which includes building services MEP, Architectural and structural/civil designs.
The process of creating this data rich Building Information Model (BIM) is expressed in a BIM Execution Plan (BEP).
A typical 3D (BIM) project will run through a series of iterative stages:
Want some extra detail regarding the various stages, click here.
Forsspac 3D Modelling team has a wide range of experience both in project types with sizes ranging from a 500 to 220,000sqm.
Typical project types are:
Residential Towers
BPO Offices
High Rise
3D modelling (BIM) can be started in any design phase of a project. However, the best gains are made when the project concept starts by using a 3D model to allocate bulk spaces at say LOD200.
Current trend is now to produce a fully coordinated 3D model at the end of the detail design phase often to LOD300. During construction documentation the LOD is raised to LOD350 which means that the design is construction ready only needing the actual hanger brackets and shop drawings to be produced at LOD400 which Forsspac can do in conjunction with the contractor.
However, if you have a project where the design has been completed without spatial coordination Forsspac can step in with you at any stage to produce the fully coordinated 3D model to whatever LOD you require.
The key to success for any 3D (BIM) process is a clearly defined set of responsibilties and deliverables coupled with the workflow process which can be either federated or collaborative. Without this framework conflicts will arise that then burn through very significant time and cash resources.
Want some extra detail regarding the process start to finish, click here.